WSIS2021 Special Session on Information Deficits

UN ITU World Summit on Information Society
Special Virtual Session on

DRR and SDGs Information Deficits – Disaster Risk Reduction Management and Sustainability Synergy

February 24, 2021   12:00–13:15 CET

The DRR Disaster Risk Reduction and SDGs Sustainable Development Goals holistic and systemic approach broadens the view from “Resilience-as-a-service” to whole-of-society mutual responsibility and action. In consequence, synergy in governance and in technical terms can be reached.
Without concise and comprehensive Information Management, preventing, managing and learning from disasters will not be possible at the level that members and organizations of information society would expect in striving for a responsible, secure, safe and reliable development.
Information management best practice methods support the principles of “critical thinking”, enabling extensive reporting, transparent analysis, compliance to regulations and other boundary conditions. Information control obligations include phases of retrace, audit, reexamination, analysis, avoidance of malpractice, and indications on weaknesses/vulnerabilities. Improving / Enabling just-in-time foresight, situation management and ex-post evaluation. Application of informatics state-of-the-art methods and technology that meet the demands of complex multi-actor and cross organizational information management is urgently required for organizationally as well as technically implementing treaties, frameworks and programs and for granting coherence in the required holistic way.

Information Deficits and Gaps Analysis according to Information Society expectations

Participants suggested
Information managers and practitioners from governments, organizations, administrations, private sector, science, NGOs, civil society organizations and representatives, data journalists

Organizer    CODATA-Germany
CODATA-Germany is the German National Committee to
CODATA, the International Science Council (ISC) Committee on Data

In cooperation with
RIMMA Community    
Risk Information Management, Models and Applications

Horst Kremers, CODATA-Germany 


Prof. Dr. (Mrs.) Liu Chuang
    Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research
    Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing (China)
    A New Mechanism for Poverty Free Geo-Ecosystem Protection
    and Sustainable Development

Dr. (Ms.) Rachida Houssa
    Directeur de Recherche,
    National Institute of Fisheries Research, Casablanca (Morocco)

    Protecting the Ocean through Marine Protected Areas:     Which Role can Play Good Communication  to Attain the Objective 30% of MPAs by 2030?

Dr. (Mr.) Kassim S. Mwitondi
    Senior Lecturer in Applied Statistics/Data Mining
    Sheffield Hallam University, Industry&Innovation Res. Institute (United Kingdom)
    Identifying and Filling Data Gaps for Sustainable Development Goals Modelling

Prof. Dr. (Ms.) Daisy Selematsela
    Department of Library & Information Services,University of South Africa
    Information and Knowledge Management, University of Johannesburg (South Africa)
    The Transitionary Role of Research and University Librarians/Knowledge Specialists
    in Developing Countries in Facilitating Access and Information
    for Sustainable Development Goals

Mr. Giacomo Mazzone
    Journalist, RAI – global coordinator project WBU – UNDRR, Geneva (Switzerland)
    Teaching Resilience, Saving Lives

Details of Session Description, including full Abstracts of Panelists Presentations:

WSIS2021 Virtual Forum    

WSIS2021 Session on DRR and SDGs Information Deficits (Details)

WSIS2021 Session on DRR and SDGs Information Deficits (Registration)

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